Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not to be ungrateful, but I still like my GRANDBABY better...

Here is my new oven, stove, and microwave/convection oven. They are finally all installed today, so I guess I better break out the novels that tell me how to use them....Have I mentioned that I HATE that? I made sure to buy my kids the same digital camera and cell phone that I have, so they could teach me how to use it. My motto is, "Just give me the oral report".... :) Guess I'm on my own with these new appliances-- that could get expensive! Too bad my 20 year-old old appliances couldn't just hang in there for a few more years... I have a lot of things I'd rather spend our money on. But they look nice and I'm super grateful for them....but still.
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Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...

Very pretty, Con! I am with you on those instruction books...if I want to read a novel it is not going to be about my stove! Ugh! I don't know why things have to be so complicated. How about: on and off switch and high, medium and low. Print it on a postcard and be DONE!

Wait til you are asked to go pick up diapers for your grandkids. All I can say is wear comfortable shoes..you will be reading the equivalent of a novel on the side of the wrappers of the billion sizes and varies available. Double Ugh! The choices are beyond ridiculous!

Connie said...

I already had to go pick out diapers for my darling little grandbaby, but luckily Shelli just showed me the package that I had to buy so I was saved! You're right--there were a million choices! :)

I love the instructions-on-a-postcard idea--that would be the system in my perfect world. I am not the kind of cook that needs all the bells and whistles, that's for sure!