Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bryce and Haley's pumpking carving adventure


We are so grateful for Haley's influence in our lives. She gets us off our duffs, and we do fun things-- like actually decorating and celebrating for various occassions! Bless her heart....and bless Bryce's for his creative style. That techno smiley face is just so darn clever! Happy Halloween, Everyone!!!
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Bonnie said...

Awesome and so nice to see you back. Blogging is just more fun than it!

Caroline Craven said...

Cute pumpkin idea, and easy too. We may have to pirate that one!! Good to hear from you.

Shelli Snyder said...

My heart just broke with missing-ness of my sibling and sibling-in-law. They are so adorable.

Connie said...

Yes, we are definitely having some fun around here. :) We'll see you soon, Shelli girl!

We will always miss you, Caroline! Thanks for saying hello. :)