Sunday, August 9, 2009

Traffic court with Shauna


I told Shauna that if we lost in traffic court, she had to let me take her picture in front of the court house. So, we lost in court and here she is in front of the courthouse. :) You can't tell from the picture, but we had quite a good time in there. We tend to get the giggles at the worst possible moments, and traffic court was no exception. We were discreet, but aren't even supposed to talk in there, and here we were just dying. The problem was that I had gone out of the court room and asked a nicely dressed man in the lobby if he knew what was going on around here and if we were in the right place. Turns out that the nicely dressed man was OUR police officer, who was there just to make sure we LOST our case that day. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. It was quite awkward, and that was why Shauna and I started surreptiously giggling. Oh, how I love that girl! Even though I have to go to things like traffic court with her....
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Bonnie said...

What, you didn't teach her the drive frantically to the hospital trick?

Ali Mae said...

Hey is that the Walnut Creek Superior Court? I was totally there the other day! I had Jury Duty for the first time ever! ....It was so much fun....

Connie said...

Oh, Bon, I should have thought of that one! But she rolled through a stop sign, and I wasn't in the car with her, so..... Maybe next time! :)

And, yes, (Allison C.? Is that you???) it is indeed WC Superior Court. We felt like criminals all day. :) At least you were just there for jury duty. We weren't that lucky....Nice to hear from you!